
Swiss Bishops Want Female Deacons

The Swiss bishops submitted a report to the Vatican on 13 May on the local synod on synodality. Excerpts: - "Synodal decisions that marginalize or exclude people and their experiences, especially women …Aktar
The Swiss bishops submitted a report to the Vatican on 13 May on the local synod on synodality. Excerpts:
- "Synodal decisions that marginalize or exclude people and their experiences, especially women, queer people and the socially disadvantaged, are contrary to the mission of the Church."
- "Recognition of the equal baptismal dignity of men, women and queer people must be lived and witnessed in the building of a synodal church."
- "The question of [...] the inclusion of women in all [!] ministries is an important issue".
- "The exclusion of women from the priesthood is no longer understood in many places".
- "The opening of the diaconate to women is to be welcomed when it expresses a development towards the recognition of the equal baptismal dignity of men and women in the Church".
- "A special form of diaconate 'for women' would be seen in the Swiss context as an expression of the relegation of women, as would the gradation of the diaconate in relation to the ordained ministry".
The …Aktar
Are we going to have to keep looking at the AI generated photos? If so, bye.
Neo-cons, female D-cons - I am fed up with all this modern stuff.
4 kummenti oħra
IL KREDU - li jinghad fil-Quddies tal-Hadd, Festi u Solennitajiet matul il-gimgha. Jiena nemmen f’Alla wieħed, Il-Missier li jista’ kollox, li ħalaq is-sema u l-art, Dak kollu li jidher u dak li ma …Aktar
IL KREDU - li jinghad fil-Quddies tal-Hadd, Festi u Solennitajiet matul il-gimgha.
Jiena nemmen f’Alla wieħed,
Il-Missier li jista’ kollox, li ħalaq is-sema u l-art,
Dak kollu li jidher u dak li ma jidhirx.
U f’Mulej wieħed Ġesu’ Kristu, Iben waħdieni ta’ Alla,
Imnissel mill-Missier qabel kull żmien.
Alla minn Alla, dawl minn dawl, Alla veru minn Alla veru,
Imnissel, mhux magħmul, natura waħda mal-Missier; u bih sar kollox. Niżel mis-smewwiet għalina l-bnedmin u għall-fidwa tagħna. U ħa l-ġisem bis-setgħa ta’ l-Ispirtu s-Santu Minn Marija Verġni u sar bniedem. Sallbuh għalina, bata taħt Ponzju Pilatu, miet u difnuh, u fit-tielet jum qam minn bejn l-imwiet, skond il-Kotba mqaddsa, u tela’ s-sema, u qiegħed fuq il-lemin tal-Missier. U għandu jerġa’ jiġi bil-glorja biex jagħmel ħaqq mill-ħajjin u mill-mejtin, u s-saltna tiegħu ma jkollhiex tmiem. u fl-Ispirtu s-Santu, Mulej li jagħti l-ħajja; li ġej mill-Missier u mill-Iben; li hu mequum u mweġġaħ flimkien mal-Missier u ma’ l-Iben; Hu li …Aktar

Australia: Archbishop Reaps Hatred for Defending Common Sense

Archbishop Julian Porteous of Hobart, Australia, has denounced a campaign to overturn Christian moral principles. As a result, the enemies of common sense have responded with intense hatred. In a May …Aktar
Archbishop Julian Porteous of Hobart, Australia, has denounced a campaign to overturn Christian moral principles.
As a result, the enemies of common sense have responded with intense hatred. In a May 2 pastoral letter ('We are salt to the earth'), Mgr Porteous made statements about human dignity and religious and parental freedom.
For example, he said: "Believing in God as Creator, we see our identity as male and female as a gift. We therefore see efforts to separate gender from biological sex as a denial of the reality of who we are".
And: "God created male and female as sexually complementary. This means that, sexually, we were literally made for the opposite sex".
Mgr. Porteous criticises the radicalised transvestite lobby, child abortion, euthanasia suicide, homosexual pseudo-marriage and the "woke" propaganda that fights against common sense ("traditional values and beliefs").
Homosexual propaganda groups claimed that Mgr Porteous had "stigmatised" them, as if Porteous was responsible …Aktar
I respectfully suggest the rest of the Australian Hierarchy awaken from their slumber and follow the courageous Archbishops example.
The good Archbishop Julian is just about the only Archbishop in Australia who is willing to defend the truth. We must keep this faithful bishop in our …Aktar
The good Archbishop Julian is just about the only Archbishop in Australia who is willing to defend the truth. We must keep this faithful bishop in our prayers because Australia is governed by Neros and they are worshiped by a minority of woke communists in Australia who would be more than willing to drum up false sexual abuse cases against him, just as they did with cardinal Pell. May his good friend Cardinal Pell intercede for Archbishop Julian.

Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers.

This is a betrayal of biblical proportions This Isn't Normal, There's Something Not Right Happening Here. Please share - Raise The Alarm Canada, The United States, Australia, New Zealand and parts of …Aktar
This is a betrayal of biblical proportions
This Isn't Normal, There's Something Not Right Happening Here.
Please share - Raise The Alarm
Canada, The United States, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Europe are all facing the same plan by the Globalists.
ed-profoundly concerning
Mainly young 'fighting age' men
but a stratagem entirely congruent with the psychopathic treasonous and cowardly behavior already factually and evidently exhibited by the politicians and regimes in ALL western countries.
Breaking: UN Troops To Be Used Inside The US For Civil Unrest Breaking: UN Troops To Be Used Inside The US For Civil Unrest Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers. "these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they announce the next Pandemic Lockdown" The Black Watch a Scottish Infantry regiment based in Perth Scotland has been instructed to train illegal migrants …Aktar

Mexican Diocese Wins Case Against Transvestite

Mexico's federal appeals court in April rejected an attempt by a transvestite propagandist to force the Church to alter baptismal records in favour of a person's self-declaration. In 2021, a man …Aktar
Mexico's federal appeals court in April rejected an attempt by a transvestite propagandist to force the Church to alter baptismal records in favour of a person's self-declaration.
In 2021, a man suffering from gender ideas of being a 'woman' argued that Mexican privacy law required the Diocese of Querétaro to comply with the request, regardless of biological reality and historical facticity.
As a result, Mexico's National Data Protection Institute ruled that the diocese had to amend the baptismal records.
The diocese challenged the decision and won in a district court. An appeals court now upheld the decision on the grounds that the Church has a constitutionally protected right to manage its internal affairs without government interference.
The decision sets an important precedent for defending the religious freedom and autonomy of churches and religious organisations in Mexico against the fascist homosex propaganda.
Cc Ss
Someone put him up to it and they won’t stop there. There’s big money behind these cases which is why lay Catholics need to make big money too.Aktar
Someone put him up to it and they won’t stop there.
There’s big money behind these cases which is why lay Catholics need to make big money too.
Alejandrina Reyes
Thank God
Santo Rosario Meditato alla Luce degli Scritti di Maria Valtorta, Misteri della Luce I - IL BATTESIMO DI GESÙ 2[…] Il Precursore non ha la mano leggera di Gesù sulle piaghe dei cuori. È un medico che …Aktar
Santo Rosario Meditato alla Luce degli Scritti di Maria Valtorta, Misteri della Luce

2[…] Il Precursore non ha la mano leggera di Gesù sulle piaghe dei cuori. È un medico che denuda e fruga e taglia senza pietà […].
4[…] Giovanni, dopo averlo scrutato col suo occhio penetrante, esclama: «Ecco l'Agnello di Dio. Come è che a me viene il mio Signore?».
Gesù risponde placido: «Per compiere il rito di penitenza».
«Mai, mio Signore. Io sono che devo venire a Te per essere santificato, e Tu vieni a me?».
E Gesù, mettendogli una mano sul capo, perché Giovanni s'era curvato davanti a Gesù, risponde: «Lascia che si faccia come voglio, perché si compia ogni giustizia e il tuo rito divenga inizio ad un più alto mistero e sia annunciato agli uomini che la Vittima è nel mondo».
5Giovanni lo guarda con occhio che una lacrima fa dolce e lo precede verso la riva, dove Gesù si leva il manto e la tunica, rimanendo con una specie di corti calzoncini, per poi scendere nell'acqua dove …Aktar

Elderly Belgian Woman Wants to Become 'Deacon', Sues Church

Veer Dusauchoit, 62, is suing the Church in Belgium for "discrimination" because she cannot become a deacon. Dusauchoit has worked for 30 years in the parish of Herent, near Leuven, in Flemish Brabant …Aktar
Veer Dusauchoit, 62, is suing the Church in Belgium for "discrimination" because she cannot become a deacon.
Dusauchoit has worked for 30 years in the parish of Herent, near Leuven, in Flemish Brabant, where she presides over funerals and liturgies of the word. The parish has no priest.
She tried to enrol in a four-year course to become a deacon, but was turned down, and sees this rejection as "gender discrimination".
"I am indeed angry, but I am also determined," she told Belgian state broadcaster Rtbf.be (14 May) which is known for its anti-Church stances.
A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels defended the decision: "At the moment (sic) only men can be ordained deacons. So there's no point in doing the formation, because the finality of becoming one is impossible".
The spokesman added: "The Belgian bishops are in favour of [invalid] women deacons."
The court in Mechelen has one month to make a decision.
The current Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Luc Terlinden, 55, is …Aktar
pmfji jixxerja dan
James Manning
Maybe I should sue Big Sugar because I don't have six pack abs.
5 kummenti oħra
Rużarju tal-Erwieħ - Radju Marija -
LISTEN LIVE - RADJU MARIJA MALTA --- Isma Live - Radju Marija -------------

Diocese Bans Priests from Speaking to Media Activists ("Journalists")

The Diocese of Buffalo, New York, has adopted rules requiring priests and diocesan employees to consult with diocesan officials before speaking to so-called reporters. The new policy states that diocesan …Aktar
The Diocese of Buffalo, New York, has adopted rules requiring priests and diocesan employees to consult with diocesan officials before speaking to so-called reporters.
The new policy states that diocesan communications officials will "either address the request directly or work with the employee to provide a response to the inquiry".
Joe Martone, the diocese's director of communications, points out: "What we're really trying to do is not stifle the communication of the diocese, we're trying to coordinate it."
This is understandable, as many priests are naïve and don't realise that media activists are not interested in the truth. Instead, they only talk to people to promote their own agenda and narrative.
All Saints
Obvious fake photo. A la Norman Rockwell.
This is a fake photo
7 kummenti oħra
Mission Accomplished: The Rainbow Seamless Garment Is Suffocating the Church, as Intended

Mission Accomplished: The Rainbow Seamless Garment Is Suffocating the Church, as Intended

Over at find a story that at first might depress you. On second thought, it ought to cheer you up. And then on …
We humans forget our animal nature the smell of meat turns the best into carnivores.

Erection on the Cross? No Blasphemy Off-Limits

Rev. Thomas McHale, 53, priest of Our Blessed Lady Immaculate Parish in Blackhill, County Durham, England, said in his Good Friday sermon that Christ had an erection when he died on the cross. Indulging …Aktar
Rev. Thomas McHale, 53, priest of Our Blessed Lady Immaculate Parish in Blackhill, County Durham, England, said in his Good Friday sermon that Christ had an erection when he died on the cross.
Indulging in his sick fantasies, the 53-year-old American citizen said that blood would have rushed to Christ's lower body as a result of the execution by crucifixion.
A parishioner explained to TheTimes.co.uk (11 May): "He told people that Jesus died with an erection. The audience was shocked. There were young families there".
Complaints about the "vulgar" sermon led to an "ongoing" investigation, the spokesman for the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle said. Good Friday was 29 March. The matter could be 'investigated' in 10 minutes. 'Ongoing investigation' therefore means that there is no will to come to a conclusion.
Picture: diocesehn.org.uk, #newsGysdpxqice
this is blasphemy ,coming from a priest .
Filthy, disgusting and reprehensible man.
10 kummenti oħra
Michele Sasi jixxerja minn Michi Gini
On May 11, 2024, before the event in the atrium of St. Peter's Basilica, Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, as a sign of poverty, offered a rich reception with aperitif for around 1000 people (VIPs, not poor, …Aktar
On May 11, 2024, before the event in the atrium of St. Peter's Basilica, Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, as a sign of poverty, offered a rich reception with aperitif for around 1000 people (VIPs, not poor, never mind... there were entrepreneurs, managers, politicians, artists etc etc) on the terrace of St. Peter's Basilica...
In a 2022 interview, Cardinal Mauro Gambetti stated that St. Peter's Basilica would become less of a museum and closer to the faithful 🤥 ... we are all seeing it!!!
interview link below
Vaticano. Gambetti: «La basilica di San Pietro? Non un museo. Più vicini ai fedeli»
L'11 maggio 2024 prima dell'evento nell'atrio della Basilica di San Pietro, il cardinale Mauro Gambetti in segno di povertà ha offerto un ricco rinfresco con aperitivo per circa 1000 persone ( VIP, …Aktar
L'11 maggio 2024 prima dell'evento nell'atrio della Basilica di San Pietro, il cardinale Mauro Gambetti in segno di povertà ha offerto un ricco rinfresco con aperitivo per circa 1000 persone ( VIP, non poveri, non sia mai...c'erano imprenditori, manager, politici, artisti etc etc) sulla terrazza della Basilica di San Pietro...
In un intervista del 2022 il cardinale Mauro Gambetti affermava che la Basilica di San Pietro sarebbe stata meno museo e più vicina ai fedeli 🤥 ... lo stiamo tutti vedendo!!!
link intervista di seguito
Vaticano. Gambetti: «La basilica di San Pietro? Non un museo. Più vicini ai fedeli»

Spain: Whole Convent of Poor Clares Joins a Sedevacantist Group

The Poor Clares of Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain, have announced that they are leaving the jurisdiction of the archdiocese to join a certain Bishop Pablo de Rojas Sanchez-Franco. The 15 nuns …Aktar
The Poor Clares of Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain, have announced that they are leaving the jurisdiction of the archdiocese to join a certain Bishop Pablo de Rojas Sanchez-Franco. The 15 nuns of Belorado are known for selling sweets.
De Rojas was educated in an Opus Dei school and later became close to the Priestly Society of Pius X. In 2005 he founded his own "Pía Unión de San Pablo Apóstol" in Bilbao. This group has about 100 members and some "clergy" and is somehow linked to Palmar de Troya, Seville, a group that has its own "pope" who comes from Switzerland and has invented its own Novus Ordo.
De Rojas's headquarters in Bilbao has ornaments everywhere, bookcases, ornate furniture, crockery and maids in bonnets. In 2017, he participated in a 1900s fashion show in Bilbao organised by Fernando Botanz who presents himself as a homosexual and who, according to InfoVaticana.com, has a close relationship with De Rojas.
De Rojas was "ordained" a "bishop" by the sedevacantist Daniel …Aktar
Tony Smith
Better than being under this apostate pope.
Notice carefully that their journey to "lala land" began with their association with the SSPX. The Church Fathers and Doctors have strongly warned that …Aktar
Notice carefully that their journey to "lala land" began with their association with the SSPX. The Church Fathers and Doctors have strongly warned that schism always eventually leads to heresy and ultimately to "lala land."
4 kummenti oħra
Hundreds Pack Church for Funeral of British Gaza Aid Worker 'Hundreds Pack Church for Funeral of British Gaza Aid Worker' The funeral of British aid worker James Kirby has taken place today at St Mary …Aktar
Hundreds Pack Church for Funeral of British Gaza Aid Worker
'Hundreds Pack Church for Funeral of British Gaza Aid Worker' The funeral of British aid worker James Kirby has taken place today at St Mary Redcliffe Church in Bristol. Mr Kirby, 47, was one of seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) workers killed in an Israeli drone attack in Gaza in April. His cousin Adam McGuire read a family tribute during the service, saying: “James’ decision to venture to Gaza, driven by his innate desire to help others, exemplified his selflessness and courage.”

Fiducia Supplicans: A Spanish Diocese Concludes that One Violation Has Violated the Other Violation

The Diocese of Plasencia, Spain, issued an unsigned statement on 13 May regarding the recent homosexual [pseudo] blessing in the parish church of Miajadas. The diocese is presently being ruined by …Aktar
The Diocese of Plasencia, Spain, issued an unsigned statement on 13 May regarding the recent homosexual [pseudo] blessing in the parish church of Miajadas.
The diocese is presently being ruined by Bishop Ernesto Brotóns, who is fully responsible for the statement. His text promises that "the appropriate canonical measures have been taken", which means nothing.
In obvious contradiction to reality, Brotóns' statement denies that there was "any intention" to simulate a sacrament. The whole show was modelled on a wedding, including two disguised homosexuals and a priest. Everyone could see that it was the simulation of a sacrament.
The statement criticises only that "the forms clearly violated the provisions" of the Vatican's homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia supplicans'. The bishop insists that he "believes" in the "value" of the blasphemous blessing of sin.
Mgr Brotóns ends with crocodile tears: "We deeply regret the scandal and confusion that the misapplication of the Declaration has …Aktar
Wilma Lopez
Cardinal Parolin said the Vatican would be present in Switzerland for an international summit organized to work toward peace in Ukraine.

Vatican to attend international summit on peace in Ukraine

ROME (CNS) — The shooting of Slovakia’s prime minister and the intensified Russian attacks on northeastern Ukraine are signs of a generalized …
What a joke peace in Ukraine when only true path to peace Bringing humanity to Catholic sacraments you can't even consecrate Russia.Only thing your …Aktar
What a joke peace in Ukraine when only true path to peace
Bringing humanity to Catholic sacraments you can't even consecrate Russia.Only thing your bringing is the kingdom of the antichrist.

Falsely Accused: US Bishop Cleared Of Absurd Charges

Retired Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto, 78, of Brooklyn, has been cleared of charges that he "mishandled" an abuse case. He was vicar general of the Brooklyn diocese from 2013 to 2022. In 2021, he …Aktar
Retired Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto, 78, of Brooklyn, has been cleared of charges that he "mishandled" an abuse case.
He was vicar general of the Brooklyn diocese from 2013 to 2022. In 2021, he was accused of failing to adequately disclose to a parish that the Rev. Uririoghene Okrokoto was prohibited from contact with minors. As a result, Chappetto was accused of potentially endangering minors.
Reverend Okrokoto had a history of "boundary violations" with teenage girls. After treatment at a mental health facility, he was assigned to a Brooklyn parish in June 2021. Within weeks, Okrokoto was seen at the parish in the company of a teenage girl. He was removed from ministry again in October 2021 and remains suspended.
The Diocese of Brooklyn told PillarCatholic.com (13 May) that the Vatican's Dicastery for Bishops had concluded after an investigation that the allegations against Chappetto were "manifestly unfounded and the case has been closed".
The investigation was conducted by …Aktar
John A Cassani
What was absurd? Nothing has been clarified as to why he has been cleared. No priest who has ever committed any sort of misconduct with minors should …Aktar
What was absurd? Nothing has been clarified as to why he has been cleared. No priest who has ever committed any sort of misconduct with minors should ever be allowed to perform ministry at a parish, much less live in a parish rectory. The Vicar General is in charge of such matters. Perhaps we will find out that prior allegations were deemed untrue, but nothing is known about that as of now.
As clear as mud.
Nostradamus II
LtCol. Tony Shaffer : Can NATO Handle Defeat? Neocons are Marxists. Nuland, Lindsey Graham, John Bolton and many more are according EX -CIA Tony Shaffer says. I will add Bill Crystal that one that did …Aktar
LtCol. Tony Shaffer : Can NATO Handle Defeat?
Neocons are Marxists. Nuland,
Lindsey Graham, John Bolton and many more are according EX -CIA Tony Shaffer says. I will add Bill Crystal that one that did write American Century is ex Commie from family that emigrated from Russia where they enforcing gulags How come commie did metamorphoses from Commie to neocon? Impossible. They are not even close to stand conservative values , constitutions etc. Wake up or you will end up in gulags call FEMA camps.
Nostradamus II
Moja przestroga dla Amerykańskich przyjaciół, Polaków nie będę przestrzegał bo oni idą posłusznie sterowani poprzez trockistów z NWO. Jeszcze prawda …Aktar
Moja przestroga dla Amerykańskich przyjaciół, Polaków nie będę przestrzegał bo oni idą posłusznie sterowani poprzez trockistów z NWO. Jeszcze prawda by im spaliła cewki mózgowe. Potem nie pojmując co jest grane pienią się i powtarzają propagandę onuc chazarskich podprogowo wbitą w ich puste głowy. Im mniej inteligetne i puste to nawet zaczną obrażać bo to może zachwiać ich ograniczone pojmowanie sytuacji.
Po angielsku skopiuj i wrzuć na tłumacza. Jak będziesz miał dociekliwy umysł. Jak jesteś onuca co nie widzi dalej niż koniec swojego nosa nie trudź się. Mądre narody myślą na wieki w przód i nie zmieniają kierunku a głupie słuchają obcych dorad które wprowadzą ich w przepaść.

Chicago Priest: Sorry For "Choice of Words" in Homosexual "Blessing"

Rev. Joseph Williams, C.M., pastor of St Vincent de Paul Parish in Chicago, issued a 'facade' apology on 8 May for his [pseudo] blessing of two lesbian women on 21 April. It appears that Williams was …Aktar
Rev. Joseph Williams, C.M., pastor of St Vincent de Paul Parish in Chicago, issued a 'facade' apology on 8 May for his [pseudo] blessing of two lesbian women on 21 April.
It appears that Williams was forced to issue the apology. He regrets only "the language of the blessing", the use of the church and liturgical vestments, but insists he "meant it well".
"The form that the blessing took, as shown in the video, was due to my attempt to give them a meaningful (!) moment of God's grace (!)".
It was only when the video of the pseudo wedding went viral that Williams realised he had "made a very poor choice of words".
"I am deeply sorry for any confusion and/or anger this has caused, especially to the people of God."
He didn't apologise for the blasphemy he committed, he won't be punished, and no reparations will be made.
Wilma Lopez tixxerja dan
A priest in Chicago has apologized for the controversial way in which he blessed a same-sex couple in April, calling it a “very poor decision” that …Aktar
A priest in Chicago has apologized for the controversial way in which he blessed a same-sex couple in April, calling it a “very poor decision” that violated Catholic Church’s new guidelines.
James Manning
Apparently Fr. Joseph "regrets" his actions here. But would he regret his sacrilege if the video of the event never went online?
9 kummenti oħra
De Profundis

Bill Gates predicts mRNA 'vaccine factories' worldwide and $2 vaccines for every disease - LifeSite

(Children’s Health Defense) — “Over the next five years, it looks like there’s going to be a lot of …
It's like Atomic energy no more turning back just one more nail in humanities coffin
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